Office stationery agsint a orange background

Thriving in the Now Normal

Thriving in the Now Normal July 26th, 2021 It’s Not You, It’s All of Us: Thriving in the Now Normal The Global Pandemic has enforced a culture of remote working upon employees across the world. Consequently, extensive research has been conducted to evaluate the impact of the pandemic on these virtual worlds of work. The…

Graph against a city buildings

IQbusiness and SpryAgility partnership

IQbusiness and SpryAgility partnership July 5th, 2021 IQbusiness and SpryAgility partnership Faced with unpredictable markets and changing conditions, many businesses are looking for ways to help them respond. Business Agility, as a philosophy, is known for providing quick, effective solutions to business-related challenges – something leading independent management consulting firm, IQbusiness, has been driving for…