Have you been on any of our IQbusiness Agility training, gone back into the workplace and continued your learning journey? Do you have questions that you need assistance with? Do you want to share your experiences and hear from fellow community members on their learnings and experience? If you do, then please join us at the next Alumni Lean Coffee! The purpose of these sessions is to help you answer all your “agile” questions and create a network of people on a similar journey as you. We want to help yo

Interested in attending? Have a suggestion about running this event near you?
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The agenda for these sessions will be generated by you, the participants. The sessions will be run in a Lean Coffee fashion – you, the participants will create the agenda with the questions and topics you may have. The aim is to share, as a collective, our thoughts and experiences, to help each other learn and grow.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone who has attended any of the IQbusiness Agility training events.

What you will learn

You will get out of this session as much as you are willing to put in. Bring your questions and be prepared to share your experiences and knowledge with your fellow participants.

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